Keep Your Pets Safe This Summer – July 2023

July 14th, 2023 by
Keep Your Pets Safe

Keep Your Pets Safe

Keep Your Pets Safe This Summer in Knoxville, TN

It’s summer, and that means you can count on temperatures to start rising. Hotter weather can mean a new set of challenges to confront when ensuring the safety of everyone in the car – and that includes our furry friends too. It can be scarily easy to make a mistake when it comes to your pet’s safety and leaving them in the car in the heat can quickly lead to a dicey situation. Here are a few tips and facts about keeping your pets safe in hot summer weather to keep in mind.

Pet Safety In Summer Temperatures

High temperatures can be particularly difficult for cats and dogs. Temperature regulation is very different between us and them. While it is a common misconception that dogs don’t have sweat glands, they do sweat, but not enough to be an effective way to cool their bodies. Temperatures over 102 degrees Fahrenheit already pose a risk to a dog’s health because of this. While driving, be sure to consider how hot any animals in the car could be getting, and watch for signs they could be overheating. Driving with the windows lowered or the AC on can definitely help your pets stay cool in the car.

Dog Hanging Out of a Car

Dog Hanging Out of a Car

How Hot Can It Get in My Car?

You’d be surprised just how hot it can get in a parked car. In direct sunlight with the windows closed, your car’s temperature will be almost 50 degrees warmer than the temperature outside the car after an hour. Essentially, because the air in the car is trapped inside, your car’s windows will act like magnifying glasses, continually heating the air. In the summer, this means your car’s temperature will easily exceed 100 degrees Fahrenheit in no time at all, making it unsafe for any animals or children left in the car.

Is It Legal to Leave My Pet in My Car?

In the state of Tennessee, it is illegal to leave your pet alone in your vehicle. After less than ten minutes, the temperature inside your car can reach dangerous thresholds. This means that no stop, no matter how short, is short enough to justify leaving your pet or child in the car unattended. You could be fined, but more importantly, you could be putting your pet’s life at risk.

Sit Sitting in Back Seat

Sit Sitting in Back Seat

Temperature Safety Technology

Modern car safety technology is expanding to cover every passenger, and that includes your animals. Some cars are now equipped with pet modes that can keep your dogs, cats, or any other animals at a cool temperature while you’re outside the vehicle. Keeping the air conditioning running like this for your pets can be a lifesaver for your animal. Of course, the best tip to keep in mind is to never leave your dog or child alone in a car when temperatures reach over 80 degrees Fahrenheit. Contact our staff today for more information or tips on staying cool this summer!

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